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Blog Posts (19)
- Pro-Life Feminists Expose Inconsistencies of Governor Hochul's 2025 State of the State Address
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMedia Contact: Michele Sterlace-Accorsi, January 20, 2025 716 864 1454, Albany, NY – Governor Kathy Hochul delivered the 2025 State of the State address to New Yorkers on Tuesday, January 14. Hochul proposed many statewide policies that focused on making life for New York families more affordable, including a proposed expanded child tax credit that would provide up to $1,000 per child under four years old and $500 for school-aged children, and a $110 million child care construction fund to build and repair affordable, accessible childcare options statewide. Hochul also gladly acknowledged the state’s First-in-the-Nation Paid Prenatal Leave Law , which increases access to prenatal care for pregnant women, effective January 1, 2025. Feminists Choosing Life of New York (FCLNY), a human rights organization that educates on the consistent life ethic, issues the following commentary: We applaud many of Governor Hochul’s long overdue efforts to reduce financial difficulties for families and to provide greater access to prenatal care for mothers in New York State. Expanded child tax credits and greater access to affordable, quality childcare are effective ways to help families afford their children’s daily needs. Prenatal care is essential to the health and well-being of mothers and unborn children. In addition to helping families, these measures have the incredible potential to incentivize motherhood in our state like never before. New York State faces significant demographic decline as recent population projections show our state could lose up to 2.7 million residents by 2050, fueled by mass exodus and shrinking birth rates. New York State needs families to grow and flourish! However, FCLNY stands firmly opposed to New York State’s Paid Prenatal Leave Law’s despicable inclusion of increased access to elective abortion. Abortion hurts women and destroys human lives. By giving equal priority to increasing prenatal access and abortion access, Governor Hochul makes a mockery and false equivalency between life and death. If NY truly wants families to flourish it cannot accomplish this goal by killing future citizens. Considering the majority of women choose abortion because of the coercive effect of financial constraints, greater access to resources should always be prioritized over greater access to abortion. XXX
- Feminists Adamantly Oppose Passage of New York’s Proposed “Equal Rights Amendment”
March 27, 2024 Media Contact: D.J Robinson, Michele Sterlace 716 864 1454 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROCHESTER, NY — In just about seven short months, a controversial state constitutional ‘equal rights’ amendment, impacting parents and children, will be on the ballot in New York, November 5, 2024. Proponents of NY’s ballot measure claim they’re most concerned about protecting reproductive rights, that the amendment is all about that tried and true blue term : “abortion access.” NY’s proposed ERA, however, goes much further than simply protecting abortion rights. The amendment includes, among other things, the fundamental right of minor children to obtain abortions, including chemical and second and third trimester abortions, as well as a child’s fundamental right to engage in transgender medical interventions. The ERA also empowers Courts to either nullify current or future state laws that require parental notice or consent or to validate state laws that ignore parental notice or consent for these and other life ending or life altering procedures. “You don’t need a law degree to understand how this vaguely written amendment erodes parental rights and hurts children,” states D.J. Robinson, Advisory Board Director of Feminists Choosing Life of New York, a human rights organization that promotes pro-life feminism and the consistent life ethic. FCLNY is also an organizational endorser of the Coalition to Protect Kids-NY, a ballot issue committee purposed to defeat NY’s proposed ERA at the ballot box on general election day. “The proposed so called Equal Rights Amendment potentially provides the court system and public schools in NY with more power than parents to determine what is best for their children,” states Michele Sterlace, Executive Director of FCLNY. “The amendment threatens to deprive parents of crucial opportunities to help their own kids navigate the most difficult circumstances a minor may face; an unplanned pregnancy or gender confusion,” she adds. “Rather than enshrine ‘freedom and equality’ the ERA hurts children and families,” claims FCLNY’s Board President, Cecelia Lester. “All one needs to do is to look at how Europe has backed away from providing these treatments to children which can have devastating life long effects. No child should be taking medications or having surgeries without their parents’ knowledge and consent. NY is already outdated in its thinking on this,” says Lester. “At the very least scientific uncertainty exists regarding the short and long term impacts of abortion on pregnant minors, as well as the effects of transgender medical interventions on children,” states Sterlace. “We owe our children, born and unborn, far more than constitutionally crystallizing rights that will or may harm them, or at minimum where data is lacking regarding impacts, especially when parents, fathers and mothers, are cut from the equation.” According to NY’s most recently published vital statistics on abortion over a five year period, more than six thousand abortions occur on females 20 years old and younger, on average annually. Thousands of those undergoing these abortions are minors 17 years old and younger. More than six thousand later or second and third trimester abortions occur in NY on average annually. Studies reporting on the impacts of abortion on minors are sparse. Even the Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthoods research arm states, further study of the “potential risks and benefits” of abortions on minors “is needed.” Relevant published data however does demonstrate that: “When compared to adult women, adolescents obtain abortions at a later gestational age--a factor that increases both the psychological and medical risks of the procedure.” Studies reporting on the impacts of transgender medial interventions on minors is even more sparse. While its reported that about forty thousand children in the U.S. suffer from gender dysphoria— comprehensive evidence and professional consensus is missing regarding the impacts and safety of transgender interventions for minors. NY already contains replete state statues that protect abortion access and gender expression. See NY’s Reproductive Health Act and NY’s Human Rights Laws, to name only a few. “It’s time we move forward and not backwards regarding ‘rights.’ Until we recognize the paramount role of motherhood, of parenthood, all people are at risk of exploitation,” states FCLNY’s Vice President, Carol Crossed. XXX
- 4 Reasons Men Must Be Holistically Pro-Life
Open Blog: Postings are the opinion of the essayist. FCLNY is extremely grateful for the opinions offered and invite others to submit essays to: FCLNY recognizes that within the community of subscribers to the consistent life ethic there is a diversity of views as to how this ethic might be implemented in culture, philosophy and law. Not all views necessarily hinge on FCLNY’s opposition to publicly-sanctioned lethal violence. Some may expand that view. Others may narrow that view. Our open blog allows FCLNY supporters and guest essayists to explore these differences in order to achieve greater understanding between peers and within our communities. __________________________________________________________________ Author Britani Anthony holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Georgia State University. She is a member of the AND Campaign's Whole-Life Project. “4 Reasons Men Must Be Holistically Pro-Life” “No ovaries or uterus, no opinion” is a common pro-abortion rights mantra yelled more often than spoken in order to shut a pro-life man up. Though it actually can’t be used against pro-life women who have an opposing view that values human life from conception onwards, some still try anyway. It Takes Two to Tango As women, we can’t get pregnant by ourselves. Even for those (of us) who utilize sperm banks because we want to have children by any means necessary, a man is still needed to create another human being with us even if not in the traditional sense. But these children are not just ours, they also have fathers; fathers who absolutely need to take equal responsibility to raise and support them as we are called to do. Parenting should never be a one person job; it was never meant to be that way. Holistically Pro-Life To be holistically pro-life means that as we value human life from conception in the womb to natural death and care for mothers and their babies, we also recognize and address other societal issues (maternal mortality; racism; poverty; classism; lack of access to affordable healthcare and childcare; living wages; underemployment, unemployment, etc.) and individual situations (abusive and unsupportive partners and other family members; less than ideal living situations; homelessness; internal and external pressures and expectations, etc.) that can influence women’s decisions to abort their children. In order to address why men must be holistically pro-life, we must first unapologetically reiterate the fact that abortion is wrong because of one undeniable and elementary fact: it is the intentional killing of a preborn human being. 4 Reasons Men Must Be Holistically Pro-Life Pro-life Men Help Save Lives In Amy Gentile’s 2014 Social Work Theses on “The Impact of Partner Support In Abortion”, she cites Ney, P., Peeters-ney, M.A., Fung, T., & Sheils, C. (2013) as having “found that if a partner is present and not supportive, the abortion rate is four times greater than if the partner is present and supportive. Therefore, a lack of partner support has been significantly associated with higher rates of abortion and miscarriage.” In Gentile’s same theses, she also cited that, “In a study performed by Shuping, M. (2011), 76% of women stated they would have made a different choice if others had encouraged them differently. These findings illustrate the fact that women often feel abortion is their only option due to their partner’s feelings towards the pregnancy.” (Shuping, 2011). A man’s voice is important because his silence will always speak volumes. Because pro-life men have the potential to save literal lives, women and children will always fare better in society, and life in general, when men are truly lovingly, compassionately, and empathetically pro-life. The current legislation in many places is not conducive to women and children flourishing because among the male legislators, there are not more holistically pro-life men in positions of power and authority seeking to create a healthier and safer society for us and our children. If you have ever met a holistically pro-life man, he seeks to be consistent in his life ethic and will advocate for all of the needs that mothers and their children need to not merely survive, but THRIVE in life. As much as postmodern pro-abortion feminists want to talk about the evils of patriarchy through the lens of gender oppression (and we absolutely should!), they unfortunately do not also see how oppressive abortion truly is as well. Instead of advocating for us to be treated with equal dignity and respect, here some are telling women that we should want to “be like men” and that in order to be “equal” to men and make it in society, we should have the right to kill our innocent babies in our wombs. Instead of acknowledging and appreciating the beautiful differences between men and women while advocating for women to not be discriminated against because we can and may become pregnant at some point in our lives, we are pushing for the spiritual and physical trauma and death of human beings inside and outside of the womb. Pro-life men who empathize and seek to understand women, our bodies, our experiences, and especially what we go through during pregnancy, will also emphasize how important partner support is during and after a woman’s pregnancy for us and our babies. They will want to provide that support so that we will feel happier, supported, and less stressed, which will help our children as well. We must also not forget that abortion affects men as well. The aftermath is not the exact same as it is for women because they cannot get pregnant and the trauma of aborting a child does not affect them in the same physical way. But this does not mean that men’s lives are not forever affected and changed after an abortion. “Male responses to a partner’s abortion include grief, guilt, depression, anxiety, feelings of repressed emotions, helplessness/voicelessness/powerlessness, post-traumatic stress, anger and relationship problems (Coyle, 2007).” Whether a man is holistically pro-life because of conviction or conviction plus personal experience, he is actively taking a step towards helping save the lives of men from not supporting the destruction of their children via abortion. Pro-life men have the power to save lives and help create a healthier society for all of us. Pro-Life Men Destroy Negative Stereotypes of Men by Encouraging Good Character & Healthy Masculinity We have all had negative experiences with men whether it was family, “friends”, romantically, in our workplace, on the street, in public, at church and other places of worship/faith, etc. We have been treated with disrespect and hatred; ignored, overlooked, harassed, and even assaulted by boys and men. These experiences have unfortunately led us to create a stereotype and therefore project our experiences onto men who did not and would not seek to cause us or any other girl or woman harm. Hyper masculinity has lied to society and led people, especially men, to believe that being loving, peaceful, kind, gentle, respectful, self-controlled, self-disciplined, selfless, etc. is “feminine” and makes a man weak, passive, and soft. But men actually should embody all of these positive character traits and more because when they do, it will naturally lead them to value life and promote caring for the weak and vulnerable instead of using their strength and power to dominate and destroy others. Encouraging Accountability, Responsibility, Selflessness, & Self-Control Fatherhood, like motherhood, is not the end of someone’s entire life or identity. It is the beginning of a new season and now an extension (not the sum) of who you are. With parenthood comes a new level of love, sacrifice, selflessness, protection, and responsibility, especially as a man. For men, fatherhood is not the end of their lives; it is the beginning of 3 new ones: theirs, the mother of their child(ren), AND the baby’s. When men believe abortion is a good and valid option, it is the opposite of “manning up” and in fact absolves them of their new responsibility if they have gotten a woman pregnant. It also removes the need for self-control and allows post-modern sexual ethics to use human beings merely for pleasure and dispose of anyone who gets in the way of their fleshly pursuits. Destroying Negative Stereotypes Many people are often upset at how monstrous society can make men out to be. Unfortunately these beliefs have come as a result of the power and authority men have in different spaces, yet are often unlikely to hold themselves and each other to a standard of integrity, discipline, accountability, and responsibility. I would argue that one of the ways we can change that narrative is to encourage men to take complete accountability for their actions, responsibility in their lives, embrace empathy, practice compassion, and exhibit care for others especially when it comes to women’s issues and experiences. Growing in these areas will not only help them to be better husbands, partners, fathers, and friends, but HUMAN BEINGS who are free to feel and healthily express a full range of emotions they may have previously been denied or discouraged from doing. Men will not get off scot-free while women are left unsupported and parenting alone. Pro-Life Men Encourage Healthy Male Leadership & Help Dismantle Toxic Patriarchy Patriarchy & the Abuse & Mistreatment of Women (females?) Patriarchy is defined as “a system of social structures and practices in which men govern, oppress, and exploit women.” This has resulted in a society where girls and women are largely excluded and men are in control. For various reasons, men are going to be in leadership positions more often than women (in many spaces). This often proves to be problematic especially when those men are not kind, compassionate, thoughtful, considerate, and empathetic so that they are aware of how their privilege as men may be negatively affecting the women around them and in society. We should note that the oppression and abuse of girls and women exists just as much in sacred spaces as it does in secular spaces. Because patriarchy is heavily male-centered, it enables the bad behavior of men: using, abusing, controlling, and dominating girls and women as they please with no severe consequences for their actions and certainly no help for those affected by this mistreatment (Where there is abuse, specifically sexual abuse, girls and women will be forced or coerced into abortions in order for the abuse to continue.) ; sleeping around/hook up culture; abandonment or coercion into abortion if there is a pregnancy; pornography consumption; the support of what is now called “sex work”, while upholding men as superior to women. Pro-Life Men Lead & Protect in Healthy Ways Good men who are in positions of healthy leadership and/or who recognize their privilege as men in a patriarchal society are not seeking to lead or protect because they don’t believe that women can’t speak up for themselves. They are doing so because it is right to speak up for someone who may have less power or privilege than you. Imagine being in a situation where no one recognizes or cares when you are being mistreated and you’re the only one who is defending you. Some people are ok with that, but it shouldn’t be that way. Society is so hell-bent on “justice” and “speaking up for the oppressed”, yet when good men do it and for the pre-born, it’s strangely a problem. Even so, holistically pro-life men seek to lead and protect no matter what because it’s right and human beings deserve it. Pro-Life Men Remind us of Our Need for Good & Healthy Men In the same way women are not primarily here to be mothers, men are not here primarily to be fathers. Parenthood is beautiful, but will not be part of everyone’s story and that’s ok. No one should be defined by their career, gifts, background, or what season of life we are in. Life changes so much that if we put so much weight on any of those things, we will become so unstable and unsure of who we are when our identity is defined by those things. People are here for their own individual purposes that have to do with making the world a better place in some way, shape, or form. Where patriarchy idolizes and pedestalizes men, post-modern feminism makes men completely obsolete. But we should be seeking to create a society where men are valued for who they are, what they bring to the world, and where they are holding themselves and others accountable and to a standard of kindness, integrity, respect, and compassion. Children, families, and societies fare better when good and healthy men are present in people’s lives as friends, brothers, fathers, uncles, mentors, uncles, husbands, leaders, advocates, and beyond. Sources: Gentile, Amy “The Impact of Partner Support in Abortion”,Ney%20et%20al.,et%20al.%2C%202013). Ney, P., Peeters-ney, M.A., Fung, T., & Sheils, C. (2013). How partner support of an adolescent affects her pregnancy outcome. WedMed Central Public Health, 4(2), 1- 22. Shuping, M. (2011). Wantedness and coercion: Key factors in understanding women’s mental health after abortion. Association for Interdisciplinary Research in Values and Social Change, 23(2), 1-8 Citing: Ney et. al (as cited by Gentile, 2014)... (4(2), 1-22) In Amy Gentile’s 2014 Social Work Theses on “The Impact of Partner Support In Abortion”, she cites Ney, P., Peeters-ney, M.A., Fung, T., & Sheils, C. (2013). “How partner support of an adolescent affects her pregnancy outcome.” WedMed Central Public Health, 4(2), 1- 22 “Ney et. al (2013) found that if a partner is present and not supportive, the abortion rate is four times greater than if the partner is present and supportive. Therefore, a lack of partner support has been significantly associated with higher rates of abortion and miscarriage.” “In a study performed by Shuping, M. (2011), 76% of women stated they would have made a different choice if others had encouraged them differently. These findings illustrate the fact that women often feel abortion is their only option due to their partner’s feelings towards the pregnancy. (Shuping, 2011).” Shuping, M. (2011). Wantedness and coercion: Key factors in understanding women’s mental health after abortion. Association for Interdisciplinary Research in Values and Social Change, 23(2), 1-8. Photo by Kampus Production:
Other Pages (28)
PRO - WOMAN, PRO - LIFE. Feminists Choosing Life of New York (FCLNY) is a state-wide human rights coalition that embraces and promotes whole life feminism and the consistent life ethic. FCLNY's public advocacy draws connections between the root causes of violence, inequality and the social forces that dehumanize. DONATE NOW FCLNY Supports the Consistent Life Ethic We oppose publicly sanctioned lethal violence including violent military action, abortion, assisted suicide and capital punishment, and educate on the impacts and root causes including poverty, domestic violence, sex trafficking, and racism . FCLNY advocates for peaceful solutions. We accomplish our goals through SEVEN bold initiatives: • Community Encounters • Scholarly Events • Film Involvement • Media Outreach • Grassroots Campaigns • Projects that Empower • Legislative Advocacy Register for Book & Film Club HERE! FCLNY is reaching millions by radio and podcast! Read Scripts on Grassroots Campaigns Page National Public Radio 00:00 / 00:15 WTBQ 00:00 / 00:30 iHeart- Syracuse 00:00 / 00:16 WOLF FM 00:00 / 00:31 iHeart Radio - Binghamton 00:00 / 00:31 iHeartRadio- Albany 00:00 / 00:16 iCatholic Radio 00:00 / 00:30 WHUD 00:00 / 00:31 The BEAR 00:00 / 00:31 101.7 FM 00:00 / 00:31 Listen to FCLNY on the Dear Jane Podcast! S6E7: Can Feminists be Pro-Life? Watch Dear Jane on Youtube HERE Make The Switch Now! More than half of abortions in the U.S. now involve two “abortion pills,” Mifepristone and Misopristol. It is currently legal in NY for retail pharmacies to mail abortion pills with a prescription via tele-health. CVS and Walgreens have already obtained their certification to dispense abortion pills. Walgreens started providing medication abortions in NY. Giant retail pharmacies are more likely to undergo the expensive certification process than independent privately owned family pharmacies. Chemical abortion kills human beings and increases health risks for women. Retail pharmaceutical sale of abortion pills is deadly for unborn children and harmful for women. As long as privately owned pharmacies continue to resist selling abortion pills we will continue to PROMOTE AND SUPPORT them. Sign Petition Here FCLNY'S INDEPENDENT PHARMACY RESOURCE INDEX - NY A Post-Roe world needs you! FCLNY signed the statement, and you can too! Sign Here Building a Post-Roe Future The Pro Life movement has always recognized the importance of supporting women facing unplanned pregnancies. We are Pro Life conservatives, moderates, and liberals united in our conviction that every human life has value- including the lives of both the unborn child and that child's mother. We believe that our society should prioritize the needs of both, and that ultimately this can only be achieved by significant changes in public policy including expanded child tax credits paid parental leave flexible work hours affordable child care prenatal child support laws Impacts of NY's Reproductive Health Act (RHA) CLICK HERE FOR ANALYSIS Click on the image below to watch the video FCLNY'S BROCHURE DOWNLOAD 1/6 For Printed Copies Message us HEAR PROFESSOR TERESA COLLETT SPEAK ABOUT CORE FEMINIST ISSUES Listen, Part I Listen, Part II WOMEN'S ALLIANCE AGAINST VIOLENCE (WAAV)/TMS VICTIMS CHALLENGE NEW YORK'S REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ACT IN HISTORIC LAWSUIT Click Here to See WAAV Press Coverage on the RHA Lawsuit Relevant portions of the NY RHA legal challenge are currently on appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The rights of viable unborn children, presented by the NY RHA lawsuit, are hopefully one step closer to adjudication by the U.S. Supreme Court. We hope the lawsuit will land squarely in the hands of the same U.S. Supreme Court Justices that overturned Roe vs. Wade (1973) in Dobbs vs. Jackson (2022). Stay Tuned! ORGANIZE, AGITATE, EDUCATE FCLNY implements its purposes through Community Encounters, Scholarly Events, Film Involvement, Media Outreach, Grassroots Campaigns, Projects that Empower and Legislative Advocacy. READY? SET GO! LEARN MORE GO! FCLNY DEPENDS ON BROAD PUBLIC SUPPORT TO EXIST. DONATE NOW COMMUNITY ENCOUNTERS LEARN MORE SCHOLARLY EVENTS LEARN MORE FILM INVOLVEMENT LEARN MORE MEDIA OUTREACH LEARN MORE GRASSROOTS CAMPAIGNS LEARN MORE PROJECTS THAT EMPOWER LEARN MORE LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY LEARN MORE GALLERY UPCOMING EVENTS 2025! EVENTS! REGISTRATION February 28th - Mar 2nd AAPLOG Conference Orlando, FL March 5th FCLNY Book & Film Club:: Losing Our Dignity Virtual March 1st Canceling Female Fertility Webinar February 15th FCLNY Salon: Nuclear Weapons Rochester, NY (Hybrid)
GRASSROOTS CAMPAIGNS FCLNY conducts grassroots outreach, including public forum canvassing, college and community petition and sign drives, paid billboard and radio ads / commentary. GET INVOLVED Make The Switch Now! More than half of all abortions that occur in the U.S. are performed chemically, involving two “abortion pills,” Mifepristone and Misopristol. It is currently legal in NY for retail pharmacies to mail abortion pills with a prescription via tele-health. CVS and Walgreens have already obtained their certification to dispense abortion pills. Walgreens started providing medication abortions in NY. Giant retail pharmacies are more likely to undergo the expensive certification process than independent privately owned family pharmacies. Chemical abortion kills human beings and increases health risks for women. Retail pharmaceutical sale of abortion pills is deadly for unborn children and harmful for women. As long as privately owned pharmacies continue to resist selling abortion pills we will continue to PROMOTE AND SUPPORT them. Sign Petition Here Chemical abortions (abortion pills) kill human beings and increase health risks for women. Retail pharmaceutical sale of abortion pills is deadly for unborn children and potentially harmful for women. Human beings begin their lives at conception, according to established scientific consensus. According to The Guttmacher Institute , “Medication abortions accounted for 63% of all US abortions in 2023, an increase from 53% in 2020.” It is estimated that approximately 1 million abortions occurred in 2023. Science demonstrates : Abortion pills are four times riskier than surgical abortions, and elevate the likelihood of health complications for women and girls. Medication abortions are over fifty percent (50%) more likely than surgical abortions to result in a visit to an emergency department within thirty (30) days post-abortion; impacting one in twenty (20) females. The risks of chemical abortion include hemorrhaging, fever, incomplete abortion, and other complications such as, infection, endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, on-going pregnancy, and uterine rupture. More than ten percent (10%) of women who undergo chemical abortions need follow up treatment for incomplete or failed abortions. The dangers of medication abortion increase as the embryo grows, and are potentially lethal for women and girls experiencing ectopic pregnancies. On average, almost forty percent (40%) of women ingesting abortion pills during their second trimester of pregnancy require surgery. NY fail s to require ultrasounds occur pre-chemical abortions, the surest, most reliable and accurate method for determining the gestational age of an unborn child or whether a pregnancy is ectopic . Further, simply dispensing chemical abortions, without adequate safeguards, also impedes the ability to detect and address any coercion that may have been exerted on a woman to abort her child. Studies show a sizable percentage of women who undergo abortion are coerced to do so by violent intimate partners and/or sex traffickers . FCLNY'S INDEPENDENT PHARMACY RESOURCE INDEX - NY FCLNY's Billboards! Let's Grow NY Buffalo, NY IT'S NO LONGER A NY SEPARATE CRIME FOR ABUSERS TO KILL VIABLE UNBORN CHILDREN IN ATTACKS ON THIER MOTHERS Albany, NY KILLING IS NOT PROGRESSIVE Buffalo, NY STOP CALLING VIOLENCE FEMINISM ABORTION DESTROYS HUMAN LIFE Buffalo and Seneca Falls, NY NEW YORK, YOU'RE DYING. STOP KILLING Buffalo, NY FCLNY Sign-Drives! Our sign-drive focuses on unborn babies, equality and peace. FCLNY's Radio Ads! Public Service Announcements (PSA) Radio Stations (WRVE-FM) 99.5 FM, (WRVO) 89.9 FM, (WRVH) 89.3 FM, (WRVN) 91.9 FM, (WRVJ) 91.7 FM, (WMVQ) 90.5 FM, (WRCU) 90.1 FM Colgate University, (WSUC) 90.5 FM SUNY Cortland, 90.7 FM, 88.9 FM, 89.9 FM, 92.3 FM, 88.3 FM, 99.6 FM, 89.3 FM, 91.1 FM, 88.7 FM, 90.9 FM, 89.9 FM, 91.7 FM, 90.9 FM, PSA I Feminists Choosing Life of New York, educating on whole-life feminism, the consistent life ethic and the availability of life-affirming resources to underserved women in New York. FCLNY.ORG PSA II Feminists Choosing Life of New York, educating on the impacts and root causes of violence against underserved women and children in New York, and raising awareness on available life-affirming resources and services for families. FCLNY.ORG PSA III "New York's abortion rate is twice the national average. Contrary to pro-choice messaging: Abortion is not health care or empowering. Studies show abortion increases women's risk of depression and anxiety. Check out Feminists Choosing Life of New York at FCLNY.ORG . PSA IV "All human beings deserve to live free from violent destruction: this is the first human right we all share, equally, from conception to natural death. That means no abortion, no unjust war, no death penalty, no assisted suicide. Violence harms us all and undermines equality. Consistency is key: human rights are built upon the solid foundation of our shared humanity. Join the growing pro-life feminist movement with Feminists Choosing Life of New York.Org and Rehumanize International.Org." PSA V “Scientific consensus demonstrates human beings begin their existence at conception. Abortion ends the lives of children. Pregnancy involves two separate human beings. Let’s increase helping vulnerable pregnant women. Paid For By Feminists Choosing Life of New York, FCLNY.ORG PSA VI "Happy Mother’s Day to all Moms in this beautiful month of May! Elizabeth Cady Stanton, an architect of the Woman’s Movement once said; “If we [as women] were free and developed, healthy in body and mind, as we should be under natural conditions, our motherhood would be our glory. That function gives women such wisdom and power as no male ever can possess" Join the growing pro-life feminist movement with Feminists Choosing Life of New York.Org" PSA VII Chemical abortion kills human beings and increases health risks for women. The dangers of medication abortion include hemorrhaging and pelvic inflammatory disease. Ingesting telehealth, mail order abortion pills without an in-person appointment further threatens women. Studies show violent partners and sex traffickers coerce a sizable percentage of women into abortions. Join the growing pro-life feminist movement at Feminists Choosing Life of New York. Org. PSA VIII Women today who support the abortion pill run counter to suffrage leaders like Susan B. Anthony. Her newspaper, The Revolution , refused to carry advertisements for “..immoral medicines ”. The horror of abortion drugs was explained in 20 editorials. Feminist leaders condemned those “who sell or distribute drugs … to procure abortion…and make a living by the slaughter of their own race. Join the growing pro-life feminist movement with Feminists Choosing Life of New York at FCLNY.ORG” PSA VIII "The progressiveness of civilized societies reveals itself by how they treat vulnerable and marginalized women and children. Pregnant mothers and their unborn children deserve the kindest, most tender, effective and comprehensive support. Abortion is violence. It destroys human life and increases women's risks of a multitude of health problems, including substance abuse, depression and anxiety. We can do better. We must do more to help fragile families everywhere. Join the growing pro-life feminist movement at FCLNY.ORG " To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. FCLNY's PUBLIC FORUM CANVASSING DRIVE Connecting With People One on One QUESTIONNAIRE CAMPAIGN ON NY ABORTION POLICY & WOMEN'S NEEDS. Questionnaire Click Here FCLNY's Public Awareness Campaign on NY Abortion Policy & Women's Needs FCLNY is looking to better understand the public's knowledge of NY abortion policy and women's needs, especially poor women facing unplanned pregnancies. We want to more effectively educate the public on NY abortion policy, including its impacts on women and children. Inaccuracies, confusion and gaps in knowledge concerning NY's abortion policy appear rampant within NY's body politic. New Yorkers deserve an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the policies that impact them and their families. FCLNY also wants to gain more insight regarding the public's understanding of the most pressing, unmet needs of women and children in NY. We want to better educate on these needs, through partnerships and tailored projects. Join us on a canvass! Email Petition Drive Against Capital Punishment Read & Sign Here All Black Lives Matter. In every circumstance. No matter what. Click on the title above to download and print the FULL REPORT FCLNY's report, All Black Lives Matter, provides an historical account of systemic racism, contextualizing contemporary racial disparities by diving into America’s dark past and illuminating the systems of oppression that are preventing black Americans from realizing the rights and quality of life they are afforded as human members of our society. By learning our history and developing deeper understandings of systemic racism, we will be better equipped to identify and address racism in our daily lives, serving as anti-racist allies in this nationwide quest for racial justice.
MEDIA OUTREACH FCLNY develops social media campaigns and publishable commentary for print and online news outlets, including educational opinion essays. FCLNY also appears on TV and radio and in diverse print and online platforms. All of our media exposure listed on our media outreach webpage is EARNED MEDIA. GET INVOLVED FCLNY ESSAY EXCLUSIVES Welcoming The Stranger. All of Them. The Good Newsroom Recalling Impact of Carter's Support for Hyde Amendment Democrat and Chronicle Suffragists Were Not Generally Supporters of Abortion Democrat and Chronicle Why does NY Prioritize Abortion Over Life-Changing Care? Rochester Beacon N ew York should not enshrine transgender rights for minors. Parents need a say Star-Gazette, The Leader, The Poughkeepsie Journal, The Daily Messenger, The Ithica Journal, The Press & Sun-Bulletin, Democrat & Chronicle, Utica Observer Dispatch, Times Herald Record, The Journal News New York's Equal Rights Amen dment will Deprive Parents of their Role Buffalo News Logi c on Abortion Law Runs Counter to Gun Law Democrat & Chronicle Break the Binary Political Divide on Deat h Democrat & Chronicle 'Sound of Freedom' Details Unseen Horrors Democrat & Chronicle Euthanasia El Ignaciano Physician Assisted Suicide Hurts the Dying and Their Caregivers Albany Times Union Re-thinking Dying and End-of-Life C are The Wellsville Sun The As sisted Suicide Debate is Back in the Spotl ight Artvoice When Inconvenience is a Death Sentence Olean Times Herald The Gift of Death Adirondack Daily Enterprise Similarities in Rest ricting Gun, Abortion Industries Lockport Journal , Niagara Gazette Providin g Free Abortion Pills is Destructive Democrat & Chronicle Abortion Pill Distribution Harms Unborn, Mothers Buffalo News Enlist NY Abortion Providers To Stop Human Trafficking Syracuse Post Standard Revisit Planned Parenthood's In Control Democrat and Chronicle (newsprint only) Feedback: Readers Weigh in on Pregn ancy Resource Center Coverage Rochester City Newspaper Consider History When Thinking of Racism and Abortion Democrat & Chronicle (newsprint only) Other Optio ns NY Daily News Budget Helps Impoverished Pregnant Women EAB Peace: Investigating the Meaning of the Consistent Life Ethic During War Time Buffalo Latino Village (newsprint only) Old Fight is New Again for Unborn Albany Times Union Advances in Science, Medicine Lower the Age of Fetal Viability Buffalo News Coming of Age during Roe v. Wade: Women Tell Us how They Saw the Moment Then and Now Washington Post Many Founding Mother's Were Against Abortion Auburn Citizen Adding Women to Draft Runs Counter to Principles of Peace Democrat & Chronicle (Newsprint Only) Women Deserve Full Information About Abortion Effects Washington Examiner Passing SUNY Abortion Bill Would Be A Mistake The Democrat & Chronicle (Newsprint Only) Destroying the Hyde Amendment Could Spell Disaster For Women USA Today Network Bill Would Tip Scales Against Pregnancy Resource Centers The Buffalo News Violence, Including Capital Punishment Leaves Us Broken The Democrat & Chronicle Viable unborn children can live without their mothers — our Constitution protects them USA Today NY Abortion Law Does not Protect Women Lockport Union-Sun & Journal New York Fails to Protect the Most Vulnerable Among Us: Unborn Children The Democrat & Chronicle New York Should not Use Medical Resources on Abortions During Pandemic The Buffalo News Why is New York Giving Abortion a Pass During Coronavirus Crisis? Syracuse Post Standard Viewpoint: Sides Agree on Denouncing Commercial Surrogacy The Albany Times Union Letter: On Legalized Surrogacy, Just Follow the Money The Albany Times Union Planned Parenthood Crying Wolf on Titles X Funding The Democrat & Chronicle Treating a Fetus as a Person New York Times Viewpoint: RHA — Dangerous, Dehumanizing, and Anti-Woman Albany Times Union The Reproductive Health Act is Extreme Pro-Abortion Legislation New York Daily News Don’t Expand Abortion in New York Syracuse Post Standard New York's Abortion Laws City Newspaper Another Voice: Reproductive Health Act Sets Women Back Buffalo News Don't let NY Repeal Abortion Safeguards For Women, Babies Syracuse Post Standard Calling on the State Senate to Block Bills Expanding Abortion Niagara Gazette Proposed Budget's Changes To Abortion Law Are Extreme Albany Times Union Feminists Choosing Life Will Stand For Women’s Health On Women’s Equality Day Democrat & Chronicle Rights Should Apply in Utero, Too Albany Times Union Will the NY State Senate Protect Abortion Rights? The Gothamist Abortion Multiplies Tragedy of War Auburn Citizen Don't Leave Out Pro-life Feminists The Auburn Citizen, Will Walk's Message Truly Be Inclusive? Finger Lakes Times Abortion Is A Cancer To The Feminist Politic The Christian Post FCLNY PRES S COVERAGE Ithaca College 'Intersectional Feminist' Class Teaches how to 'Resist Abortion Bans" The College Fix N.Y. Becomes the First State to Offer Paid Leave to Expectant Mothers for Prenatal Appointments The Evangelist , Catholic Review N.Y. Catholics warn Equal Rights Amendment on this year’s ballot could undercut parental rights Catholic Review Bishops Urge Voters To Reject Proposed Amendment They Call ‘Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing’ OSV News NY bishops urge rejection of 'wolf in sheep’s clothing' Equal Rights Amendment American Catholic Tribune NY Catholics warn Equal Rights Amendment on this year's ballot could undercut parental rights The Boston Pilot NY bishops urge voters to reject proposed amendment they call ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ The Record Newspaper New Yorkers Will Vote on Making Abortion an 'Equal Right' in State's Constitution Catholic News Agency More Campuses are Requiring Access to Abortion Pill: "Women are Being Exploited" The Washington Stand Pro-Lifers Say New Law Lacks Safeguards, Support for Families The College Fix We Can’t Allow Oppressive Systems to Co-opt Abolitionist Language Prism Policy Proposals for Building a Post-Roe Future Newsweek Will We Keep Marching? On Roe's 50th Anniversary, Abortion Opponents Reach a Crossroads The New York Times The 2023 Manhattan Witness for Life Featured Egging, Halloween Masks & Creepy Pope Costumes — But That Didn’t Deter Us SFLA Blog Priest Found Guilty of Blocking Entrance to Abortion Clinic, Faces Prison Time Catholic News Agency They're not Religious. But They Oppose Abortion Christianity Today Town Rescinds Abortion Zoning Law Manhasset Press Anti-Abortion Feminism. How is this even a thing? Radical Philosophy For New York's Anti-Abortion Veterans, Roe's Fall Is Not a Full Victory The New York Times In New York, Anti-Abortion Centers Outnumber Abortion Clinics The New York Times Roe vs. Wade Decision News 12, The Bronx Historic Roe v. Wade Ruling a Momentous Day for Many in Rochester for Different Reasons Democrat & Chronicle How will Supreme Court Ruling Affect Abortion Laws in NY? Democrat & Chronicle Weekend News Brief WBTA Pro-life Groups and Politicians Celebrate Supreme Court Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade NY Daily News Leaked Abortion Opinion Draft Add Fuel To The Fire Of Political Debate Over Roe vs. Wade Democrat & Chronicle Viable Unborn Children Can Live Without Their Mothers- Our Constitution Protects Them The Human Life Review , News Break , Daily Magazine Actress Colin Speaks at Feminists Choosing Life Event Finger Lakes Daily News , News Break Inside the Anti-Abortion Movement's 'Feminist' Quest to End the Pill Jezebel Inspiring women: Celebrating their legacy Finger Lakes Times New York Bill Would Force All Public Colleges to Offer Free Abortions Life Site News New York bill would require taxpayer-funded medical abortions be available to all students at public colleges DNYUZ New York Introduces Bill To Offer Free Abortion Pills To State University Students On Campus Activist Mommy New York Bill Would Force SUNY Schools to Provide Abortion Pill on Campuses Live Action Proposed Bill Would Require SUNY Schools to Provide Abortion Pills on Campuses Rochester First As Supreme Court Shifts Under Trump, Cuomo Vows to Expand Abortion Rights The New York Times Governor Cuomo Support Radical Abortion Agenda NewsMax Gov. Cuomo Wants to Make Abortion a Constitutional Right in NY Family Life The Reproductive Health Act: Fact v. Fiction New Yorkers For Life Will New York Have the Most Liberal Abortion Laws in the World? National Catholic Register Delusional Andrew Cuomo Wants to Expand the 'Right' to Kill Your Unborn Child Even Further The Washington Examiner New York Gov. Cuomo: No Budget Unless Abortion Made Legal for any Reason until Birth The Christian Post NY Gov. Cuomo Refuses to Sign State Budget until Lawmakers Approve Bill Legalizing Abortion for Any Reason until Birth The Blaze, Fearless News New York State to Expand State Abortion Law to Allow Some Third-Trimester Procedures The Washington Times New York Governor Cuomo Ties State Budget to Passage of Aggressive Abortion Bill The New American New York's Radical Abortion Law Repeals Protections for Wanted Babies, Too PJ Media The State of New York Rules that Women Can Get Later Term Abortions for any Reason, and that Killing an Unborn Child is not Murder Shoe-bat Roe Anniversary Protests, 2019 The Consistent Life Ethic Blog Trafficking and Women’s and Children’s Health: Intervention, Recovery and Prevention Center For Family & Human Rights RHA: How Far is Too Far? The Queens Village Republican Club, America's Oldest, 1875 Thousands To Come To Seneca Falls On Saturday To Continue Push For Women's Rights Democrat & Chronicle Will Women's Marches Include 'Pro-Life' Feminists? Syracuse Post-Standard FCLNY TELEVISION AND ONLINE NEWS APPEARANCES Rochester Anti-Abortion Advocates Highlight Alternatives Spectrum News Advocates Rally in Downtown Rochester on 51st Anniversary of Roe V. Wade. TV News, Channel 13 Response to Overturning of Roe V. Wade, One Year Later TV News, Channel 10 New York Abortion Bill Headed for Governor's Desk has Constitutionality Questioned. Spectrum News Local Organizations React to Supreme Court Decision to Expand Access to Abortion Pill TV News, Channel 13 The Future of NY Abortion Pill Access After Federal Court Rulings Rochester First Abortion continues to be hot topic on the 50th anniversary of Roe V. Wade TV News, Channel 13 The Impacts of Living in a Post-Roe America NBC News What Will It Truly Mean to be "Pro-Life" after Abortion is Banned in many American States NPR, WXXI Local, Regional Reaction to Roe v. Wade Getting Overturned by SCOTUS On-line News Video, Finger Lakes, NY Planned Parenthood of Central & Western NY Expanding in Anticipation of Roe v. Wade On-line News Video, Finger Lakes, NY Local Reaction to President Biden's Executive Order Signing TV News, Channel 10 NYS Lawmakers Vote on Gun, Abortion Measures TV News, Channel 13 Congressman Joe Morelle Hosts Town Hall on Women's Health and Abortion Rights TV News, Channel 13 'Stay Out of My House!': Just Part of the Reaction to the Supreme Court Decision on Abortion TV News, Channel 10 Overturning of Roe v. Wade Causes Whirlwind of Emotions in Western New York TV News, Channel 13 Officials React to Scotus Roe v. Wade Leak , YouTube , Abortion Divide: Reaction from the Pro-choice, Pro-life Movements TV News, Channel 7 Hochul Announces $35 Million to Support Abortion Providers TV News, Channel 10 Abortion Providers in Western NY Prepare to Expand Care to Women From Other States TV News, Channel 13 Planned Parenthood Rally Held At Parcel Five TV News, Channel 10 Supreme Court Leak Ignites Local Roe v. Wade Debate TV News, Channel 13 Pro-life and Pro-Choice Groups React to Roe v. Wade Draft Opinion TV News, Channel 10 Planned Parenthood Calls Possible Abortion Overturn 'Controlling,' Others Say It Will Re-Humanize Rochester First Both Sides In The Abortion Debate React To The Court Leak TV News Channel 7 Advocacy Groups In WNY Weigh In On Supreme Court Draft Opinion TV News Channel 4 A Clash of Movements Spectrum News Demonstrations: Women’s March TV News, Channel 10 The proposed bill would require SUNY schools to provide abortion pills on campuses TV News Channels 8, 4 Opposition to the Reproductive Health Act Rochester First. Com, News Channels 8 & 10 Demonstrators Gather in Rochester to Protest Kavanaugh Nomination News Partners NBC, News Channel 10 FCLNY RADIO APPEARANCES An Interview with Carol Crossed News Radio WHAM 1180 The Latest on the Abortion Pill Family Life Radio Special Feature- Feminists Choosing Life- At the Washington March Family Life Radio A Conversation Discussing the Legal Landscape of a Post-Roe America. Just Love Discussing the Future of Abortion in America: Connections. WXXI Radio, NPR What Will It Truly Mean To Be Pro-Life After Abortion Banned In Man y Am e rican States? NPR, WXXI NY Limited Pregnancy Centers Study Ava Maria Radio Discussing New York's Proposed Reproductive Health Act: Connections WXXI Radio, NPR 30 Issues: Reproductive Health Act, Brian Lehrer Show WNYC Radio, 93.9 FM FCLNY COVERAGE: BLOGS, NEWSLETTERS, PODCASTS AND OTHER ONLINE PLATFORMS Conversations With Cardinal Dolan Catholic Faith Network Dear Jane Podcast: Can Feminists Be Pro-Life? Youtube, Spotify , Audacity , Apple Podcasts Life Brings Hope that Death Cannot: Wake Up NY! The Whole-Life Democrat Blog Peace & Life: More on Pharmacy Chains Becoming Abortion Facilities Consistent Life Network Peace & Life: Family Pharmacies Consistent Life Network Juneteenth 2023 - Special Edition WhatsNUrs Talk Show Better Arguments, Diverse Perspectives The Minimize Project Poor, Homeless, AND Pregnant WEDIGNIFY PODCAST - 058 FCLNY SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK TIKTOK YOUTUBE FCLNY SPECIAL EDITION PRINT AND ONLINE NEWS COVERAGE Signage Stop Calling Violence Feminism: Abortion Kills Human Bein gs Conservative Supreme Court Majority Appears Inclined to Scale Back Abortion Rights ABC News Suprem e Court Abortion Case: 5 Key Moments from Oral Arguments Fox News Dueling Rallies as U.S. Supreme Court Confronts Abortion Rights Case Reuters Protests Outside Supreme Court Ahead of Abortion Rights Arguments WTOP News Not Your Mother's Pro-Life Protest WORLD Supreme Court Appears Open to Upholding Mississippi Abortion Restriction New York Times Protesters at Supreme Court Square Off Over Abortion Washington Post Doctors' scrubs and fetal photos: Protesters and counter protesters gather as Supreme Court debates major abortion case Business Insider Amicus Brief: Dobbs vs. Jackso n Brief of 240 Wom en Scholars and Professionals, and ProLife F eminists Organiz atio ns. FCLNY Lead Organizational Amici Why Supreme Court Abortion Decision Empowers Women Fox News The Controversial Economics of Abor tion Law Wall Street Journal Black Women Have Muc h at Stake in States Where Abortion Access May Vanish KHN How Changes in Abortion Law Could Impact Community Health NPR Some Abortion Opponents M ake Economic Arguments. They’re In for a Fight New York Times Anti-Abortion Activists at Supreme Court Cite an Unlikely Authority for Overturning Roe v. Wade: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Washington Post 'Relic of the past': Why Women Don't Need Roe v. Wade to Flourish Now USA Today Mississippi Argues that Abortions are no Longer Necessary Because Women can have Successful Careers Now Fortune Friends of the Court Part II The Human Life Review We Read All the Amicus Briefs in Dobbs So You Don’t Have To Scotus Blog ROE AND CASEY WERE GRIEVOUSLY WRONG AND SHOULD BE OVERRULED – COOPER ET AL Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy A Split Dividing Anti-Abortion Feminists Politico Why Hundreds of Scientists are Weighing in on a High-Stakes US Abortion Case Nature Some Other Noteworthy Amicus Briefs in Dobbs Abortion Case National Review Dobbs: The Court’s Historic Moment (Part 2) National Review Amicus Brief of 240 Women Scholars and Professionals et al. Center for Arizona Policy Five Reasons Why the Supreme Court Should Overturn Roe v. Wade Life News Overturn Roe v. Wade? Why It Might Happen This Time CBN News Female Scholars to SCOTUS: Abortion Deserves No Credit for Women’s Success Live Action FCLNY PRESS RELEASES: Grassroots Feminist Voices Pro-Life Feminists Expose Inconsistencies of Governer Hochul's State of the State Address International Art Exhibition Showcases Pro-Life Feminism Feminists Adamantly Oppose Passage of New York's Proposed 'Equal Rights Amendment' One Year Post- Dobbs , New York has Regressed, Feminists Argue Feminists Stand Against Abortion Pill Access Abortion Pills are Anti-Women. Feminists Support Their Ban New York Legislators Fail to Tim ely Notify Broad Public of Open Budgetary Meeting (See also on FCLNY's blog ) Writers & Scholars Speak On Sex Culture and the Future of Intimacy After Dobbs NY Feminists Celebrate Roe's Overturn and Bolster Efforts to Assist Women and Children Women Deserve Better Than S470/A5499 Governor Cuomo's Alliances with Abortion Related Special Interests Should also be Investigated Pro-Life Feminist Groups and Hundreds of Women Scholars and Professionals Expose Lie that Women Need Abortion for Equality Dobbs Amicus Filed by Pro-Life Feminist Groups and 240 Women Scholars and Professionals Exposes the Lie that Women Need Abortion for Equality High Court Decides to Confront Roe v. Wade Feminist Scholars Meet to Discuss Critical Women's Issues Landmark Lawsuit Challenges New York's Reproductive Health Act Feminists Choosing Life Launches Anti-Racism Campaign Prosecutor For Late Term Abortionist, Kermit Gosnell To Speak At The Little Theater Feminists Oppose the Reproductive Health Act Feminists Oppose Abortion Expansion in NYS Budget Feminists Applaud the NYS Senate Health Committee for Defeating the Reproductive Health Act and Oppose Its Passage as a Hostile Amendment Liberal Feminists Oppose Reproductive Health Act and RHA-like Bills Pending Across the US RHA Contains Gosnell-like Components Feminist Divide Over Issue of Abortion FCLNY and Rochester Community Betterment Join Forces on Women's Equality Day The Women's Alliance Against Violence An Initiative of the Thomas More Society created to challenge S tate laws which incentivize violence against women and childr en, including children in utero. FCLNY Serves as an Educational Arm of the Women's Alliance Against Violence. PRINT/ON-LINE/RADIO Why Andrew Cuomo Faces Lawsuit Over New York's Abortion Law Newsweek Lawsuit Alleges New York Abortion Policy Harms Victims of Domestic Violence The National Review ‘Devastating’: Lawsuit Against New York Claims 2019 Abortion Bill Enables Domestic Violence Daily Wire Victims Of Domestic Violence Sue NY State, Say Pro-Abortion Law Not Constitutional LifeSite News Women File Lawsuit to Overturn Radical New York Law That Legalized Abortions Up to Birth Life News HOT TOPIC: Victims Challenge New York’s Reproductive Health Act in Historic Lawsuit (Thomas More Society) The Human Life Review Class action Lawsuit Filed Against New York’s Governor Over Radical Abortion Bill Live Action Landmark Lawsuit Challenges New York's Reproductive Health Act News 69 WFMZ, Yahoo Finance , Associated Press Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against NY Governor, Other State Officials Over Reproductive Health Act The New American Lawsuit Says NY Abortion Law Makes Women More Vulnerable to Domestic Abuse - Here's Why CBN News Lawsuit Accuses NY Abortion Law Of Helping Domestic Abusers Daily Caller Gov. Cuomo faces Lawsuit Over New York’s Controversial Abortion Law USA Herald New York Sued Over ‘Dangerous Ambiguities’ In Liberal Abortion Law The Christian Post Federal Lawsuit Challenges New York's Abortion Law NPR: WRVO , WBFO , WSKG , WSHU Suing NY Reproductive Heath (sic) Act Relevant Radio New York’s Controversial Reproductive Health Act Today's Living Hope Historic Lawsuit Challenging New York's Reproductive Health Act Winds of Ch ange, Episode #5578 RADIO